What is momlife?
MomLife is a group of mothers that meets twice a month and is predominantly focused on moms with kids of preschool ages (birth to Kindergarten). During our time together we aim to connect, equip and encourage moms. At our meetings moms enjoy a hot breakfast, relevant topics and speakers, discussion and childcare for children birth to Kindergarten.
Our History
MomLife was established in 2019. MomLife previously existed at Converse Church of Christ (C3) as MOPS International organization. MomLife’s host site is C3, is ran by a committee of volunteer women and supported by the church staff at C3.
Our Meetings
This is a typical MomLife meeting format:
9:15 Childcare Check-In
9:30 Breakfast
10:15 Speaker Topic
11:00 Discussion Groups
11:25 Dismiss to pick-up children
9:15 Childcare Check-In
9:30 Breakfast
10:15 Speaker Topic
11:00 Discussion Groups
11:25 Dismiss to pick-up children
Our Mission
MomLife is a Christ centered community that encourages and equips moms of young children to recognize and embrace their identity in Christ as mothers and a member of the body of Christ.
Our Location
Converse Church of Christ
301 E. Wabash St. Converse, IN 46919
765 395-3361
Church Liaison: Jenny Travis- C3 Office Manager
301 E. Wabash St. Converse, IN 46919
765 395-3361
Church Liaison: Jenny Travis- C3 Office Manager