Connection is vital to the health of the body of Christ.
The C3 Ministry Toolbox is full of ministry opportunities for everyone to participate and serve in. Browse through the different ministries and follow where the Spirit would lead you to Grow, Connect, Serve and Share with us at C3.
Comfort Quilters
Comfort Quilters is a multi-generational ministry coming together to fellowship, teach, learn, and create lap quilts to offer comfort to those who are grieving, so they can see and know the love of God through the hands and prayers of His people. No sewing experience necessary.
When: The 3rd Tuesday of each month
9a-12p and 6p-9p (subject to change)
Contact: Deb Mann – deb.comfortquilters@gmail.com
When: The 3rd Tuesday of each month
9a-12p and 6p-9p (subject to change)
Contact: Deb Mann – deb.comfortquilters@gmail.com
Love One Another Care and Visitation
This ministry involves loving those who are part of our C3 family but unable to fellowship actively and in person with the C3 congregation. Volunteers for this ministry make periodic phone calls and/or visits to those unable to attend our weekend services either due to age, illness, surgery, or otherwise.
When: Times and dates vary by need
Contact: Derek Patterson – patterson.derekw@gmail.com
When: Times and dates vary by need
Contact: Derek Patterson – patterson.derekw@gmail.com
Parish Nurses
This ministry seeks to speak love and compassion to the C3 community by helping people maintain a healthy spiritual and physical life. Some of the variety of ways the Parish Nurses seek to achieve this goal include offering BP and Lab Checks through MGH, medical guidance and prayer and emotional support. Interested volunteers need to be a student nurse, EMT, LPN, or RN trained to take blood pressures. Another option which requires no medical training is to pull BP cards during the Blood Pressure Check dates.
When: Times and dates vary
Contact: Diane Hawk – dihawk78@gmail.com
When: Times and dates vary
Contact: Diane Hawk – dihawk78@gmail.com
This ministry seeks to encourage and equip moms of young children to recognize and embrace their identity in Christ as mothers and vital members of the Body of Christ. Volunteers for this ministry help set-up meeting spaces, prepare and serve food, help with clean-up, and watch infants and toddlers to provide a distraction free environment for busy moms who participate in MomLife.
When: Varied Friday mornings throughout the school year
Contact: Hayley Pifer – hayley.wampner@gmail.com
When: Varied Friday mornings throughout the school year
Contact: Hayley Pifer – hayley.wampner@gmail.com
Funeral Dinners
This ministry serves those in our community, both C3 members and those outside of the church, who are coping with the loss of a loved one through preparing and serving meals for funeral services held here at C3. Food items are generally prepared ahead of time and donated by ministry volunteers. Volunteers also commit to working in the kitchen at C3 to prepare, set up, serve, and clean-up after the meal.
When: Times and dates vary by need
Contact: Mindy Trimble – mindy@trimblefarmsllc.com
When: Times and dates vary by need
Contact: Mindy Trimble – mindy@trimblefarmsllc.com
This ministry focuses on providing relevant and timely reading and study materials in all areas of Christian life. Whether a student, Life Group leader, or simply someone seeking to deepen his or her walk with God through Christian literature, the C3 library has something for everyone. Volunteers in this ministry help order, organize, and process materials, as well as keep the library space looking friendly and inviting.
When: Times and dates vary
Contact: Lou Ann Agness – laagness@gmail.com
Jenny Horner - horner@comteck.com
When: Times and dates vary
Contact: Lou Ann Agness – laagness@gmail.com
Jenny Horner - horner@comteck.com
Buildings & Grounds
This ministry focuses on keeping the facilities of C3 clean and in good repair. Working in conjunction with our custodial staff and our deacons, volunteers in this ministry respond to needs that arise in a timely manner and work to ensure C3 and her members are good stewards of the “brick and mortar” resources God has provided.
When: Times and dates vary
Contact: Dave Durkes - david_durkes@yahoo.com
Greg Warnock – gwarnock@hotmail.com
When: Times and dates vary
Contact: Dave Durkes - david_durkes@yahoo.com
Greg Warnock – gwarnock@hotmail.com
Missions Committee
This ministry focuses on maintaining strong ties and support for our nearly 30 mission partners around the world. Volunteers in this ministry are a living link between our C3 family and our mission partners in the field, providing them with encouragement and reporting back to the church what God is doing in their ministry spheres of influence. Another vital component of this ministry is seeking to determine new mission partnerships should the need arise.
When: 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00PM
Contact: Mark and Tammi Linna – bigdadbug1@comteck.com
When: 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00PM
Contact: Mark and Tammi Linna – bigdadbug1@comteck.com
Samaritan Room Ministry
This ministry partners with those in the Oak Hill community to meet basic needs by suppling food, clothing, and school supplies. In addition, emotional needs are met through prayer, a listening ear, hugs, and shared concern. Beyond providing basis needs on a consistent basis, the Samaritan Room does a Christmas outreach by providing Christmas gifts and good to roughly 100 families in our area, as well as partnering with handicapped adults in Marion and several shut-ins in Converse. Volunteers help by sorting donations, stocking shelves, meeting the needs of those who come to the Samaritan building, and organizing the Samaritan Christmas Outreach event.
When: Tuesday mornings from 9a-12p or as needed
Contact: Karen Harts – bkharts@gmail.com
When: Tuesday mornings from 9a-12p or as needed
Contact: Karen Harts – bkharts@gmail.com
Kids Hope
This ministry seeks to share the love of Jesus with K-6th grade students in the Oak Hill community who are referred by teachers and staff as needing some extra love and support. Volunteers in this ministry should be 18 years of age or older and have a passion for showing God’s love to a young person for 1 hour per week in the Oak Hill school they attend, as well as seek other opportunities to connect with their student.
When: 1 hour per week, scheduled by teacher and mentor
Contact: Heather Roth – hroth@conversechurch.org
When: 1 hour per week, scheduled by teacher and mentor
Contact: Heather Roth – hroth@conversechurch.org
C3 Worship/Production/Creative Arts
This ministry seeks to speak the love language of WORSHIP back to our Father through creating environments conducive for meaningful and heartfelt worship experiences. Volunteers in this ministry have a variety of ways to be involved, including, but not limited to: vocalists, instrumentalists, sound techs, light techs, confidence monitoring, and video recording, production, and editing. This ministry also works to provide an engaging and immersive worship experience for our online audience as well.
When: Sunday mornings and various times by need
Contact: Shane Tracy – stracy@conversechurch.org
When: Sunday mornings and various times by need
Contact: Shane Tracy – stracy@conversechurch.org
C3Kids/Early Childhood
This ministry focuses on helping our birth through elementary students and their parents create a thriving and growing relationship with Christ. C3Kids/Early Childhood offers Christ-centered teaching, activities, games, and learning. Most programming takes place on Sunday mornings but there are also opportunities to be involved mid-week through a variety of discipleship groups and other special events. Ways to serve include helping with check-in and check-out, holding babies, loving on toddlers, teaching age-appropriate provided lessons, leading worship, or leading a discipleship group, among others.
When: Sundays 8:45-11:30AM; flexible rotations
Contact: Ashley Otto – aotto@conversechurch.org
When: Sundays 8:45-11:30AM; flexible rotations
Contact: Ashley Otto – aotto@conversechurch.org
C3 Hospitality
C3 Student Ministry
This ministry strives to provide anyone who comes through the doors of C3 with a deeper connection to the Body of Christ. Volunteers in the Hospitality Ministry work to ensure all people are welcomed and know how they can connect to the different ministry areas of the church. Ways to serve in this ministry include working as a greeter, showing first time guests around the building, answering questions, helping manage needs at The Porch, and serving in the Gathering place by setting up, serving, and cleaning up the coffee and snack area on Sunday mornings.
When: Sunday mornings before, between, and after services
Contact: Jenny Travis – jtravis@conversechurch.org
When: Sunday mornings before, between, and after services
Contact: Jenny Travis – jtravis@conversechurch.org
This ministry focuses on spiritual growth and formation in the lives of students grades 7-12. These efforts are accomplished in a variety of ways including Life Groups, theLoft Sunday nights, Bible studies, and special events. Volunteers for this ministry should have a passion for junior high and high school students, as well as a willingness to lead young people by an example of a faithful Christian witness.
When: Sunday morning, Sunday night, and various times by need
Contact: Jerod Glasford – jglasford@conversechurch.org
When: Sunday morning, Sunday night, and various times by need
Contact: Jerod Glasford – jglasford@conversechurch.org
C3 Life Groups
Life Groups at C3 exist as our best means of plugging adult members and attenders into Christian community together. Volunteers for Life Groups are typically leader or co-leaders of those existing groups or someone wanting to start a new Life Group. Teaching/discussion materials are provided by church staff to enable worry and pain free facilitation of discussion.
When: Sunday mornings either 1st or 2nd hour
Contact: Joe Wisley – jwisley@conversechurch.org
When: Sunday mornings either 1st or 2nd hour
Contact: Joe Wisley – jwisley@conversechurch.org
C3 Assimilation
This ministry focuses on helping church members and attenders take “the next step” when it comes to getting better and more deeply plugged into Body life here at C3. Volunteers for this ministry should have a passion for inclusion, a desire to see people not only attend but thrive here at C3, and a sharp eye for details.
When: Sunday mornings and various times by need
Contact: Joe Wisley – jwisley@conversechurch.org
When: Sunday mornings and various times by need
Contact: Joe Wisley – jwisley@conversechurch.org
C3 Community Garden
The C3 Community Garden exists to provide fresh, in-season produce for families served by our Samaritan Room ministry and others in the C3 community.
Contact: Ellie Dragstra - ejdragstra527@gmail.com
Kellie LaShure - bklashure@yahoo.com
Contact: Ellie Dragstra - ejdragstra527@gmail.com
Kellie LaShure - bklashure@yahoo.com